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Victorious on Purpose

Courage to have FAITH

Scripture Daniel 3:13-27

Focus: Daniel 3:15-17

Meditation: Hebrews 11:1 ESV

“Now faith is assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”

“You never know unless you try” “It won’t hurt to try” “What do you have to lose?”

These are the words you often hear people say when they are trying to convince you try something new. You may even use them to convince yourself. So often, we talk ourselves out of doing something we really want before actually thinking of the benefits they mat result in. How about when God sends us a blessing? We think it's the opportunity of a lifetime, but we convince ourselves otherwise... We convince ourselves that it will fail, we will not reap the benefits, or it's a complete waste of time. My personal favorite, “What will Johnnie Mae think if I did that?” Then after all of the contemplating, you have missed blessing because you've talked yourself out of something God ordained, and you have lacked the courage to have FAITH.

As Christians, if we were given report cards; what do you think your grades would be? What would your grade be in loving your neighbor, sin, and commandments just to name a few? But what about faith; what grade would you receive in faith? In the Book of Daniel, the story of three men, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, were thrown in the fiery furnace for not bowing down to King Nebuchadnezzar. Even after the King gave them options, they still refused and said, “Look, this is not up for further discussion, we do not follow idol gods and you can do what you must do, but our God will deliver us from your hands!” They had the courage to step out on faith and trust that God would save them from the King. Not only did God save them, but God was by their side the entire time and the King also became a believer! Now, there could have been some discussion among them along the lines of “Do as the Romans do” or “What will David and they think if we did this?” but they did not. Their faith in God allowed them the courage to stand firm in their beliefs. They did not know what it would look like or if they would burn to death in severe pain. They just knew that God would be with them. I don't know about you, but I know the earned A+ in Faith.

This should be how we are, as christians, during decision making time. We should first always go to God in prayer and let Him talk us out of something that is not good for us

. In Jeremiah 33:3, “Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.” If we make this a habit, then we will no longer talk ourselves out of missed blessings and opportunities. When we stand on this, our courage becomes stronger and faith becomes the most useful weapon on our suit of armor because the devil can’t change a decision made in Christ.

Prayer: Dear Father God, thank you for your mercy and your grace. Thank you for another day and opportunity to walk this earth. Father, I know that you are the God of the impossible and you can do anything but fail. It is in Your ability that I trust when I cannot trust in my own to make the decision necessary. I believe that you did not give me the spirit of fear but the courage to walk in faith. I decree and declare that with Your guidance I will be strong and courageous at all times for you will be with me. As I go through this day, I pray that any decision that I am faced with, I make it knowing that I can call to you for help. It is in your name that I pray, Amen.

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